Individualized Home Supports with Training provides support and training to individuals needing assistance in the community living service categories.

Individualized Home Supports with Training

Support: A staff member provides a person with direct supervision, cueing, maintenance, guidance, instruction, assistance with activities of daily living or assistance with coordination of community living activities.

Training: Instructional services through which a person receives direct training from a staff member on community living skills identified in the person’s assessment (e.g., MnCHOICES, long-term care consultation). Training includes skill-building to acquire, retain and improve the person’s experience living in the community.

The community living service categories include:

  • Community participation

  • Health, safety and wellness

  • Household management

  • Adaptive skills

Individualized Home Supports with Training is available to adults on the BI, CADI, CAC, or DD waivers who live in their own home.

  • Community Participation

    Community mobility and pedestrian safety (e.g., safely getting in and around the community)

    Community resource use and access

    Community safety and awareness

    Informal support system and network development

    Interpersonal communications skills

    Leisure, recreation and socialization planning

    Skill-building to meet transportation needs

  • Health, safety and wellness

    Collaboration with the person to arrange health care (e.g., physical, mental, chemical), meaningful activities, social services, meetings and appointments

    Cueing, guidance, supervision, training or instructional support to complete self-cares

    Health services support

    Help for the person to activate and build resiliency factors. (e.g., whole health action management)

    Support for the person to design and meet individualized strategies to reach their health, safety and wellness goals

  • Household Management

    Cueing, guidance, supervision, training or instructional support to complete routine household care and maintenance

    Household safety knowledge and skills

    Tenancy support and advocacy

    Training, assistance, support and/or guidance with:

    Budgeting and assistance to manage money

    Cooking, meal-planning and nutrition

    Healthy lifestyle skills and practices

    Household chores, including minor household maintenance activities (Note: The person is responsible for the cost of the maintenance replacement items or products)

    Personal-needs purchasing

  • Adaptive Skills

    Crisis prevention skills

    Implementation of positive support strategies


    Sensory/motor development involved in acquiring functional skills

    Support strategies for self-sufficiency

    Support and training to increase positive behavior, resulting in reduction or elimination of challenging behavior.

Remote Support

A person may receive direct support in person or remotely when it meets certain criteria. Remote support must be discussed with the person's case manager and approved before remote services can begin. 

Remote supports must be in the scope of individualized home supports and be limited to:

  • Check-ins (e.g., reminders, verbal cues, prompts)

  • Consultation (e.g., counseling, problem-solving).

Remote support is covered when it:

  • Is chosen as a service delivery method by the person or legal representative (if applicable)

  • Helps the person achieve an identified goal in the support plan

  • Is in the scope of the services specified in the support plan

  • Is supported by an assessed need.

In-person support must be scheduled a minimum of once a week. A person may receive in-person support and remote support on the same day.

Either the person or the provider may initiate the remote support contact. All transmitted written electronic messages must be retrievable for review. As a Provider, JD Home Healthcare, Inc. must choose a storage method that makes the written electronic messages retrievable and follow the same data privacy laws, restrictions and guidelines in the Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) Provider Agreement, DHS-4138 (PDF).


Individualized Home Supports with Training does not cover services that:

  • Primarily deliver activities of daily living (ADLs) support

  • Provide supervision during the person’s primary sleeping hours

  • Provide 24-hour on-sight supervision

Individualized Home Supports with Training are limited to a maximum of 16 hours of in-person service per day.

Individualized Home Supports with Training is not available to persons under the age of 18 or adults who live in their family home. Individual Home Supports with Family Training is available to persons under the age of 18 or adults who live in their family home.